4 June 2011

I appreciate the vibrancy my father exudes

My 10 favorite things about my fathers vibrancy are:
  1. I really love the genuine enthusiasm my father has for so many simple things that are often taken for granted by others
  2. I love the way he enjoys and vocally appreciates simple things like 'lovely wind', or รก nice sleep'
  3. I love the way he connects so happily with everything connected to nature, from birds to animals to trees
  4. I admire the way he has cold water bath twice a day and comes out from the bathroom with wet hair, almost creating the vibrations that a walking waterfall would emit
  5. I love the way he jumps into every stream, lake, river or waterfall to play whenever we go on outings
  6. I admire the way he makes and flies kites with more passion than anyone else of any age I have seen
  7. I am amazed with his ingenuity and enthusiasm to make sticks and hooks and pluck mangoes from trees
  8. I love the way he plays with his grandchildren and how they bask in his simple presence
  9. I admire the way he manages his energy throughout the day and has built in little routines to replenish it up at regular intervals, like a morning jog, cold water baths, afternoon snooze, well chosen meals and snacks, regular bedtime etc.
  10. I admire the way he takes full control of his life and his personal energy and meticulously nurtures routines and practices that are conducive to freshness and vitality

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