6 December 2011

Expressing Wonder

Today I just feel so strangely blissfull and dizzy with wonder as I see myself positioned in the midst of a complex but interestingly innocent universe. Yes I know innocent seems a strange word to use for something as complex as the universe but that's the feeling I get when I look at everything around me. The innocence with which every creature and creation seem to go about their own particular daily tasks, chores, duties is quite endearing to my senses. For example, the sun who just shines and shines, not caring not bothered about who is looking and appreciating, who is trying to harness her energy, who is trying to shield themselves from her glare. Just shining and sparkling in her own free right and expressing her own true nature. The flowers, the creepers, the butterflies,......all of them just being themselves - being who they are, expressing their unique nature. My son, my husband, the gardner, the canteen attendant, the lady I sat opposite at breakfast, the cleaner I passed in the corridor, - the list is endless.....they were all being so true to who or what they are (or rather who or what they believe they are). That is the innocence that bowled me over this morning. That is the innocence that made me smile at the universe the same smile I give my son and his kiddie friends. That is the innocence that endeared the world to me once again this morning,....and that endearment and cozy warmth that I feel in my heart is what I express my appreciation for today. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that the most endearing trait in you has also been the most enduring.
